2012年9月28日 星期五

Animal Observation: Basic Facts

Common name: Siberian hamster
Phylum ,Class, Order, Family, Species: Chordate, Mammalia, Rodentia, Cricetidae, P. sungorus
Scientific name: Djungarian hamster
Natural Habitat: Dzungaria, the wheat fields of Kazahstan, the meadows of Monogoila, Siberia and the birch stands of Manchuria.
General characteristics of the species:
Dwarf winter white Russian hamsters are nocturnal but may be active for short times during the day too. dwarf winter white Russian hamsters are social with their own species and can be kept in same sex pairs or groupings, but usually only if introduced at a young age. Dwarf winter white Russian hamsters are normally a dark grey color on their backs with a black dorsal strip along the center of the back. The fur on the belly is white. However, in the winter, the fur can turn white to varying degrees

SECTION 2: More about my pet
Sex :  female                                           
Adult or juvenile :  juvenile, about  1 month                      
Length :  can’t measure                                          
Weight :  15g                                        
Color  : gray and black(3 lines on her back)

SECTION 3: Record the following information at the time of your observation.
1.     Describe your animal’s body shape. You may draw a picture if you like.
3.     Describe how your animal moves.
She will use her 4 legs to run or walk, and the front can be considered as hand when she is eating or cleaning herself.
4.     What is your animal doing?
She wants to escape from my hand when I am choosing mouse.
5.     Did your animal interact with any other animals? If so, what did they do?
Not really sure, because I never try to let her interact with other animals.
6.     Did your animal interact with any people? If so, what did your animal do? What did the people (or person) do?
Yes, she will interact with people, when I feed her foods, she will immediately grab it. Also, when I put my hand in front of her, she will climb to my hand and play with me.
7.     What other behaviors did you see? Why do you think they behaved that way?
She sometime will run around the cage or run very fast, may be it is because she feel nervous or scared.
8.     Other notes or observations:
She sometime will stare at one place for a long time for no reason. And she really likes to stay at the second floor, which is weird because her sleeping place should be the first floor.

 SECTION 4: Evolutionary History of your animal and it’s the adaptations (movement, diet, etc.)
9/15- I bought Jun chan home. 7 days later, she seems more confortable in her new home. She always eats many foods, but seem a little bit picky about her food. She only eats seeds, which is a problem because she might get too fat. Also, sometime, and mostly the few days that she first came to my home, she will always bite me when I try to play or feed her. So I started to wear gloves so I won’t feel hurt when she bites me. And now she seems to stop the bad habits of biting me.

