2012年11月25日 星期日

Recent life.

I honestly believe that she is SKINNER than before. She is too fat before.
She looks really ok and cute now~

However, she still looks really fat in this picture...OMG

A new home for Jun❤

A new and bigger home for Jun!

More space and more fun!
I also buy a new sleeping for her! She really likes it and usually stay in there rather than going out!

Since she is older, she needs more food!

2012年9月28日 星期五

Informations about my pet.

1.        How will you feed your animal and what are your feeding choices?
I will feed my pet every 6:00 p.m.~7:00 p.m. So my pet could know when is her dinnertime. I will choose many different kind of food so she could choice which kind of food she wants to eat.

2.        How will you house your animal? List down the things you are going to put inside their house and their significance for your pet. Think of your pet’s comfort and well being.

3.        How will you handle your pet? Research about how to take care of your pet properly. List down the dos and don’ts in handling your pet.
Establish a routine where my hamster will know that you are feeding and playing with it. It may even look forward to the next playtime!

-Small treats given to my hamster after playing with it will help your hamster gain confidence in you and know that you mean no harm.
-Talk/whistle to my hamster and they may learn to recognize your voice.
-Prepare enough food and water.
-Remember to clean my hamster’s cage.

-Never pick up your hamster when it is still sleeping.
-Make sure my fingers do not smell of food or your hamster may accidentally nip it, mistaking it for food.
-Upon alerting my hamster of your presence (by tapping softly on the cage, for e.g.), give it enough time to investigate your presence.
-Do not blow or breathe heavily on the hamster.
-A sure sign that hour hamster is annoyed will be that its ears are curled and laid back. Do not handle the hamster when this happens.

4.        Tell us about the behavior of your pet
Hamsters are nocturnal, and sleep through most of the day. It is tempting for owners to want to wake their hamsters to play when they are asleep. This is very disruptive to your hamster and causes stress. My hamster will bite my sometime. Hamsters can also get stressed by an improper environment; too small of a cage or frequent loud noises for example. Stress can make your hamster sick or even die.

5.        How will you take care of your pet’s health? Research about this.
If my hamster does become sick or injured, I will take her to a vet who is experienced with treating small animals.  It is also a good idea to plan ahead by asking the pet store personnel for some recommendations. When playing with her or looking at her, be aware that if she is acting weird or not feeling well. Be sure that to take care the change in temperature because she is sensitive to these changes.  

6.        List down possible problems that may arise with your pet, while in your care and the immediate solution that you will take if a problem arises.
- Illness- find a vet to cure her
-Bit my finger- wear gloves
-Feel to cold or too hot- prepare things that make her feel confortable
- Picky about food- try to control her diet and try to let her eat everything by taking away her favorite foods, like seeds

7.        Know your pet’s details by knowing and understanding their anatomy. This includes their eyes, nose, skin, tongue, limbs, tail, internal organs, thermo regulation and some characteristic feature unique to your animal only.
Hamsters have a poor sense of sight despite having large protruding and round eyes. They are near sighted, and hence are unable to see objects that are in close range. However, the lateral position of their eyes meant that they can see a wide angle of vision, and are able to spot movements of other animals and predators from a greater perceived distance. 

Hamsters are rumored to be color blind, being able only to see in different shades of black and white. They are also believed to be nearly blind in bright daylight. Some also believed that hamsters with red or ruby eyes have poorer eyesight than hamsters with black eyes. 

To compensate for a hamster's poor eyesight, a hamster's sense of hearing is very well developed. Hamsters are able to hear a wide range of sounds, including sounds made in the ultrasonic frequencies This helps hamsters to communicate with each other without being heard by other animals. 

The hamster's sense of hearing is so keen that they can often be seen to freeze when they hear unfamiliar sounds or noises. Therefore, they should be kept away from loud noises, especially when they are transported outside the home. 

A hamster's ears are delicately thin and can be easily bitten by other hamsters should a fight occurs.
Hamsters have an acute sense of smell, and they can distinguish one another by their distinct scents. They also makes use of the distinct musk like liquid produced from their scent glands to identify other hamsters as well as to mark their territory. They may also be able to tell the sex of another hamster through their sense of smell. 

Due to hamsters' keen sense of smell, they can also recognize their owners when they are handled often. If you carry a hamster before handling another one, the second hamster may also pick up the previous hamster's scent from your hands. They may also give you a nip on your finger if your hand smells of food. For these reasons, you should always wash your hands before handling your hamster. 

Cheek Pouches 
Hamsters got their name from the word 'hamper', which means 'to hoard', as a result of this interesting feature of their anatomy. 

Hamsters use their cheek pouch to collect and transport food and nesting material from one place to another. When emptying their cheek pouch, they will use their forepaws to push the contents from the back of the cheek pouch forwards. This is especially important in the wild, as the cheek pouch enables a hamster to hoard and store food in winter, and when food supplies are low. 

The skin lining a hamster's cheek pouch is dry and tough, and digestive processes such as salivating on the food do not occur in the cheek pouch, ensuring that the food stored in the pouch remains dry and fresh. The bristly texture of the cheek pouch's skin also prevents food from falling out into their mouth.
A hamster's sensory whiskers helps it to navigate around its surroundings and detect objects around its environment. Whiskers, or vibrissae, are found not only on the face but also on the sides of the body. A hamster's whisker helps the nocturnal animal to move and feel around its surroundings with ease in the nighttime.
Hamsters are classified as rodents because they have enlarged, chisel-shaped upper and lower front incisors that grow throughout their lives. Falling or broken teeth is not a sign of old age, but a condition that needs veterinary attention. A hamster's mouth contains 16 teeth - four incisors and 8 molars. 

Because a hamster's incisors continue to grow throughout its life, they need to gnaw continuously to grind the teeth down. Overgrown teeth are a painful condition and will prevent a hamster from closing its mouth properly. 

A hamster may sometimes bite parts of its cage (such as the wire bars, water bottle and wheel) if they do not have sufficient gnawing materials. Supply your hamster with sufficient gnawing toys, wood chews, nibblers and hard foods such as corncob to satisfy their need for gnawing.